Back in 2022, I had a vision of a crochet wall hanging that represented the four elements of nature, Fire, Air, Earth and Water. It was the clearest I have ever seen a vision in my mind about a piece of crochet art I should create.
I was inspired by the four triangle symbols that represent Fire, Air, Earth & Water, then I found some triangle metal shapes at Kmart and it began to come to life!
This was a stash diving project and I dug around in my yarn that I had played with and dyed myself and also yarn I had bought over the years.

I wanted to find just the right colors to reflect these 4 elements. And I am thrilled with the yarns that I just happened to have in my stash, 3 of which I had dyed myself! The fourth yarn, to represent Air I found at Spotlight and it was just perfectly cloud-like.

I think these four yarns perfectly represent the four elements of nature: fire, air, water and earth.
I found the gold metal triangles for sale at Kmart here in Australia. They don’t currently have them in stock in 2024 but I have sourced the same metal triangles from this website here. You could source them in either gold or silver, it depends on the vibe you are going for with your piece. But the original piece I created used 15cm triangles.
The fire triangle contains three flames sewn onto a single crochet base. The flame pattern I used was from this website. I used the three flame-shaped crochet patterns. I crocheted two rows of single crochet across the bottom of the triangle to give a base to attach the flames onto.
I love how the yarn I chose has a range of colours through it, not just a solid red. It helps to give the flames some depth and character!

The air triangle is so simple but I think quite effective. I simply wrapped the yarn around and around the top point and bottom length to give it a cloud-like look. Once I had wrapped the yarn around, I did some wraps quite loosely to give it that fluffy look.

The water triangle again is simple but gives you the wave effect with its basic shape. I started with a starting chain of approx 16, crocheted single crochet across in one row and then again for a second row, including increasing stitches where I wanted to wave to rise and decreasing stitches where I wanted the wave to fall. I then did a row of crab stitch across the top of the wave and attached the wave using single crochet stitches around the bottom point of the triangle.

And finally, Earth. I used a few rows of half double crochets worked into the third loop to give some texture, and then I crocheted a ‘mountain’ using two rows of multiple treble crochets in the same stitch. I then finished it off by slip stitching across the top of the ‘mountain’ and attaching it with single crochets to the triangle.

You could choose to hang each of the four triangles individually on the wall but I chose to attach them to each other so you are just hanging it from one nail. I used jewellery jump rings, but you could attach using fishing line, twine, jewellery wire, any number of methods really! Use what you have! Don’t go and buy 100 jump rings if you’re never going to use them on anything else! I used them because I have them from when I used to make jewellery.

I really enjoyed making this piece and being inspired by a concept and bringing that to life using crochet was an exciting challenge for me. It was one of the first pieces I hung in our new home and I love it!
If you like the idea behind this wall hanging, you might like my Crochet your Chakra Mandala Wall Hangings. Seven crochet mandalas to represent the seven chakras of the body. Check it out here or click the photo below!

Pin this project idea to your Pinterest for inspiration!
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