About me
Hello and welcome to my corner of the web. I am so happy to have you here and I hope you find something that gives you a moment of peace in this noisy, busy, non-stop world.
I began crocheting when I was 25 after I saw a friend crochet for the first time and was fascinated as to how it worked with just one hook! She taught me a granny square and I just ran with it and kept learning. After making blankets for everyone I knew, my niece gave me my business name when she would point to everything handmade and say Kate made it!
14 years later and I have turned to crochet on happy days and on sad days alike. Crochet became my crutch when I was deep in post-natal depression and anxiety in the baby growing years.
Crochet is a form of meditation, therapy and self-care for me and I hope that by sharing my designs I can help you create that peace in your life too.
I am a stay-at-home Mum and homemaker and I discovered that crochet designing gives me a sense of purpose outside my household chores. I find my inspiration around me at home, focusing on crochet makes that will enhance my home such as blankets, wall hangings, and decor as well as practical makes such as dishcloths and scrubbies.
In 2023 I started on a journey to find joy in my time being a stay-at-home Mum and homemaker. It can be hard to see out of the dark when you are stuck in the baby days, I know these years will fly by and I don’t want to have spent them wishing them away because I don’t enjoy cooking or washing.
I hope you will join me on my journey to find joy in the small things like cooking, cleaning, and making our home a cozy and peaceful place for our family.